The Biblical Christian Truth


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               WHY TO CONTRIBUTE?

How did the early Christians contributed to support
the  Christianism   serving us as model?  Consider some historical examples:

          "Those who are wealthy among us help the needy ...            everyone contributes what sees fit" The First 
 Justin Martyr, 150 EC.

"The Jews had indeed the tithes of all their profits consecrated to Him, but those who had received the freedom put all his possessions to the Lord's purposes ... as that poor widow acted who cast all she had to live in the treasure of God."   Against Heresies, Irenaeus c.180 C.E

"On any given day of the month, if you want, everyone puts a donation; but only if you want to, and only if you can do it: no obligation; everything is voluntary." Apology, Tertullian,  c., 197 EC.

Compulsory donations in  Christendom  initially were  imposed by  the Catholic Church, and later along history,  other organizations also imposed it on his parishioners. These donations were usually a very costly burden for all people, especially for the poorest, something which is anti-Christian. See their origin as follows:

"As the (Catholic) Church expanded and various institutions arose,  it became necessary to make laws which would ensure the continued support of the clergy. The payment of tithes was copied from the Old Law (Old Testament) ... earlier legislation on this point, seems to be contained in the letter of the bishops assembled at Tours in 567 and in the (canons) of the Council of Macon in 585." The Catholic Encyclopedia.



On the other hand, voluntary contributions to support true Christianity have always been necessary. Since Jesus commanded his disciples to preach throughout the world, "Go and make disciples of people of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them ..."  Matthew 28: 19-20.

Accordingly, it was always necessary to support this christian livesaver teaching work.  Whether it was by supporting Christians, like Paul who spent all his time preaching to others, or by helping many needy congregations, including widows and orphans.

Christians had different ways of helping others in the congregation, for example, they organized collects. 
1 Cor.16:1. However they never coerced or forced to, and  never persuasion techniques were used by them, as it has been done for centuries and it is
still done in many countries, particularly by   the Catholic Church first and other religions later.

In the Bible we find appeals encouraging to the hearts to be generous, but never forcing someone nor in one way nor another, nor surreptitiously nor openly so that Christians had to give compulsorily.  2 Cor. 8: 1-4.

Paul also encouraged to the richer Corinthians to help to the poor ones, following the Macedonians brothers example  but by no means  he made guidelines  which would imply constraints.

In line with this, Paul encouraged to  Christians to:  "Each day of the week let every one of you lay something aside, as God had prospered him, so that when I come no donations will have to be made." 1 Corinthians 16:2



So by planning in advance, and only the amount previously "decided in your heart" (2 Corinthians 9: 5, 7) and saving some contribution  to help,  could these Christians  donate without pressure or under emotional impulse when Paul would  visit them.

For Christians at those times, the decision of giving was a personal and private issue  which had  been previously resolved  in a cheerful way in their hearts. "Let each one of you give just  what you have decided in your heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."  2 Corinthians 9:5-7.

In fact,  it were Christians who asked Paul to let them to help him. See 2 Corinthians 8:1-4

Likewise it is also anti-Christian  to ask and demand the tithe, since the Mosaic Law does not apply to Christians. In fact any sort of demand  or coercion is unbiblical, as is it the passing along of the collection box to  parishioners in churches, sometimes even with network (to put only bills, not coins). Same antibiblical is the "selling" plots in heaven, or selling bulls or many other forms of coercive pressure wich has been done for centuries and still it is done  in some way in the Catholic Church domains to fill its coffers.

In conclusion, it is your faith, along with Christian love, added to accurate knowledge and spontaneity, summed up to giving from the heart what has to motivate to true Christian to make donations.

If you feel yourself like this, and want to support this   Ministry, you can do it.  Your donation, free from  any religious intolerant imposition and coming  from a grateful heart and a cheerful conscience, will help  to this Christian Biblical Ministry to continue sowing the seed of the Word of God and its  salvation worldwide.





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